Terraced Housing Settelement, Graz, Austria

New EU-project for Decarbonisation

May 2024: DeCO2 „Dynamic Decarbonization Pathways Framework: Integrating Technological, Social, and Policy Innovations for Sustainable Renovations in the Built Environment“ is an innovation project in the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, coordinated by the Institute of European Energy and Climate Policy Foundation, Netherlands. The contract was recently signed by the European Commission. Among the 17 partners, Robert Link, the ower of freesia innovation e.U. prepared the participation of the interest groups terraced house settlement, Graz, Austria (IG-THS). He will also lead the contribution of IG-THS focussing on social innovation and bottom-up decarbonisation measures of the settlement, against the background of restrictions of monument authorities. DeCO2 will start on 1st June 2024 and will run for four years. More information will follow shortly.

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